Daphne Prior from Forbes in Western NSW has responded to our call for information with this account of dealing with the COVID - 19 emergency:
Hi Charles ,
I thought you may like to know what we at the Forbes Uniting Church are doing for all our congregation during this lockdown.
Our 4 Lay presiders plus the Leadership Team got together and decided on our way to approach it all.
The secretary rang all our church goers (took me two days as I like bit of a chat as you know) and found out who wanted DVDs and who preferred USBs and also who was willing to share with a neighbour. I then made a list of everyone who was interested and pass it on. Still print off our pew sheet and inserts
The presiders now take it in turns to do their usual sermons (COMPLETE WITH HYMNS) which Are filmed either at the church or in their home. This is then burned onto the DVDs or USBs whichever suited each family.
These are then placed in snap lock plastic bags with any other information, plus their Palm crosses on palm Sunday, and then Small Easter eggs and a lovely book mark which the Sunday School children had made for everyone on Easter Sunday.
These were then delivered around Forbes and district by a couple of volunteers and popped into all their mail boxes on Saturday. The DVDs can be kept but most put them and USBs back in bags so they be collected and perhaps used again .
So far this has worked very well and all seem to working well together. Also all keeping in touch by phone or emails to see that all are OK.
So now you know how the Forbes Uniting Church are coping with the Coronavirus Lockdown.
Thank you ever so much for all your information , It is much appreciated.as is Project Reconnect. I have passed your email on.
Cheers and God Bless
Daphne Prior
Hon. Secretary
Forbes Uniting Church.