Click below for a descriptive video by Rev Tom Stuart on tips for using the DVD
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Using the suggested Order of service template, allocate tasks to the various volunteers (depending on the congregation size)
Key roles are
It can be interesting for the congregation to know what other churches are sharing worship with you (see the information sheet that comes with the DVD)
The music on the DVD is optional. If you have your own musicians use them!
The music on the DVDs is in two groups
The recently recorded songs menu may sometimes include a Seasonal “Call to Worship “ video to be played at the start of your worship. This wiil be mentioned on the Information Sheet when appropriate.
There are two messagesThe recently recorded songs menu may sometimes include a Seasonal “Call to Worship “ video to be played at the start of your worship. This wiil be mentioned on the Information Sheet when appropriate.
Discussion starters
There are a number of questions/discussion starters included. They are entirely optional. They are best discussed in small groups of no more than 5. Members of any small group may wish to share a special insight with the whole congregation if they wish. The discussion time is unique to Project Reconnect and has varied success across all congregations. Members may feel speaking to a large group uncomfortable. Some churches do not use the questions but they are not gaining the full advantage by just watching and listening.