The resources created for Project Reconnect are contained on a single DVD. Consistent with the overall goal of "self determination" we create a DVD because it means people in the local congregations can choose what they take from the DVD on any given Sunday. More resources are planned for the DVD to create more choices.
The DVD is posted by ordinary mail. Due to the increasing cost and slower delivery by Australia Post it may be necessary to charge additional postage at the discretion of our despatch team for orders received less than three weeks before required date
What’s in the Box?
The DVD resource is based on the Revised Common Lectionary. The Revised Common Lectionary is a planned set of readings over a three-year cycle. Our use of the lectionary is an organisational tool to make it easier for everyone to co-ordinate planning for any given Sunday. We recognise there are other benefits and limitations in using the lectionary. We make an exception for the five weeks from the first Sunday in September when we use a series called "Season of Creation".
The resources on the DVD are:
A Screen showing the references to the lectionary readings for the given Sunday.
An “All Age” message (usually around 5 minutes)
A Message for the day (usually 10 minutes)
Four Discussion Starters (Questions)
32 Hymns/Songs from our recorded library of more than 50 Songs – mostly from “Together In Song” (TIS). Due to DVD space limitations the selection of songs changes over the year. Where songs are not included in TIS, subtitles have been added.
Each DVD is accompanied by an information sheet that indicates the main text(s) used by the preacher and a précis of the preacher’s message. It also contains a brief description of the “All Age” message.
You may like to use other resources in conjunction with the DVD. Regular reference is made to resources from the "Uniting in Worship" Blue Book. This book can be purchased from various outlets for around $6.
DVDs are specific for every Sunday in the year with material prepared for each of those Sundays, but when you use them is up to you